
Eat real food. Be sad about a lack of wine. Be sad about about a lack of sugar. But feel better. And consider how awesome that is and how awesome it is to have people with you to enjoy the experience all the more.

Please SHARE. Share your daily food journal. Share recipes. Share what you love. Share what you hate.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cheating but not cheating

So only one Sunday has transpired since the start of the challenge but it would appear that it is a cheat day for me. There is cheating and then there is cheating. With very little effort one can find a myriad of "paleo" dessert recipes that can help with the carb cravings that make you want to steal candy from children. Here is a link to my favorite so far. Just a little note that may or may not be from personal experience: eating 9 or more of these cookies in one sitting does not fuel optimal performance.


  1. baking the cookies tonight - so very curious...

  2. My Friday cheat day left me at the Ram with Lauren to split two burgers and two garlic fries, but she knew better than to eat more than her 25% share of the mile high mudd pie we ordered.

    After reading some magazines at Barnes & Noble and buying a pair of super sale pants from Banana Republic ($69 marked down to $16) we decided to hit up the confectionery candy store where I got 5 gummy letters (like gummy worms, but the alphabet) and two chocolate covered almond clusters.

    I don't think it counts as cheating if you're 100% committed to deviating from paleo. It's when you try to convince yourself that nobody will know that you've consumed that piece of chocolate or a few tortilla chips.

    The hunger pains really hit me in the morning after cheat days though....
